November 19, 2018 Dr. Abbe Keen

Stressed Spelled Backwards…

…Is Desserts!

Have you heard this phrase? It was totally new to me when I heard it earlier this month. My doctor mind was like “Of course it does!!! Too many sweets stress out our bodies!”. However, when I Googled it, I was shocked by how it is used to justify eating that pint of Ben and Jerry’s after a long, hard, frustrating day at school or the office.

The holiday season is filled to the brim with events, parties, and gatherings where candies, cakes, and holiday themed drinks are abounding. Add in a super busy schedule of shows, performances and hours shopping fueled by fast food restaurants and quick trips to Starbucks, and our bodies are left depleted. In fact, all of the sugar spikes just leave us craving for that “high” to get us through our next scheduled event, or simply through the work day. We often end up frazzled when the season is meant for peace and joy.

Why is this happening?

Did you know that when you eat sugar, especially too much processed sugar that lacks healthy fat and protein (think cookies/cakes/candy canes) your body does the following:

* Limits your absorption of vitamin C and vitamin D. Both of these are vital in keeping your immune system strong.


* Causes your body to excrete excess amounts of the mineral magnesium. This mineral is an integral part of over 300 physiological processes, and is the most common nutrient linked to anxiety and insomnia when lacking


* Drains your body’s reserve of chromium, a mineral essential in regulating your blood sugar


* Creates a resistance to leptin, an important hormone that regulates hunger and tells you to stop eating


“But, Dr. Keen”, you ask. “What am I supposed to do?!?! It’s Thanksgiving! I have to have my great aunt Edna’s famous pumpkin roll!!!”

Of course you do! There is a way to celebrate and break “bread” with our families and friends in a way that honors God and the community he places us in, while not heading into gluttony. Remember that all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial. So why are we bombarding our bodies with foods that aren’t food at all in the name of celebrating?

Here are 5 ways to HONOR your temple this holiday season:

HALT – Before you start grabbing those goodies, stop and check in with your body. Ask yourself if you are actually hungry, or maybe you are angry, lonely or just tired or simply just thirsty.

OBSERVE – Look around you? What options are on the table? What restaurants are available to you? What is on the menu? Check and see if there is a better option than what you might be craving.

NUTRITION – What is this food providing your body? Many holiday treats are NOT FOOD!! They aren’t actually giving you fuel, just empty calories and a sugar rush. Look for foods with protein or healthy fat.

OPEN – Open your plate to those around you and ask if someone wants to share with you. Chances are, they are trying to eat healthier this season as well, and would love to go halfsies with you!

RELISH – Take the time to enjoy your choice! Whether it’s a piece of that turkey, or aunt Edna’s pumpkin roll, your body needs to slow down in order to digest it well. Savor the moment and take time in between bites.

I pray this encourages you has we head into Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season. Remember, Desserts create stress in your body. Use this season to honor what the Lord has blessed you with!


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