March 1, 2020 Dr. Abbe Keen

Be Kind To Yourself

There are so many things I want to say in this blog post. But, if I am brutally honest, it’s 9:42pm on Sunday night, and this blog is “supposed” to be in a newsletter that arrives to your inbox in approximately 9 hours.

I would love to tell you that you are enough. If you are a mom to any amount of children, I would tell you that those dishes in the sink are okay, and that pile of unfolded laundry on your couch (even if you got that far!) are MORE than okay. I would encourage you to stop doing things and start focusing on the relationships around you.

I would tell you that instead of writing a blog today, I took my kids to a state park and hiked!

I would tell you that my word for the year is ABIDE. As a follower of Jesus, that means that I stop striving to do things that I think I need to do. Instead, I am focusing on being present where I am, and doing my best to to enjoy that space. I am working on being thankful in every circumstance, and praying continually in every situation (for me that looks like slowing down and breathing between the tasks on my to-do list).

But instead of writing a fully coherent and well thought out post, I have decided to let this song do the work. Take a moment by yourself, or maybe grab your spouse, a kiddo, a coworker, and invite them to share this moment with you. This song is one of my favorites, and I am declaring it as the Crossroads Family Chiropractic “song of the month.”

So join us this month as we practice being kind to ourselves. If we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, then we must start with extending mercy and grace as we look in the mirror, in our self talk, and in our day to day movements.